Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction
Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction
About US
History of Department of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproduction (OGR)
Department of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproduction (OGR), Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University, is founded in 1977, the longest-established institute contributing knowledge, clinical practice and research in the field of animal reproduction and reproductive biotechnology in domestic, exotic and wildlife species. The department offers postgraduate programmes (Diploma, M.Sc., Ph.D. and postdoctoral) in Theriogenology and has produced more than a hundred postgrad students over the past 20 years since the 1990s. As one of the leading specialist in animal reproduction in Thailand, OGR brings together all innovative ideas for research collaborations at both national and international levels
Head of Department from the past to present
No. | Name | During the year |
1 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prasit Phothipak | 1972 - 1979 |
2 | Prof. Peerasak Chantaraprateep | 1979 - 1982 |
3 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chainarong Lohachit | 1982 - 1986, 2004 - 2006 |
4 | Prof. Dr. Annop Kunavongkrit | 1986 - 1990, 1994 - 1996, 2000 - 2004 |
5 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prachin Virakul | 1991 - 1994 |
6 | Prof. Dr. Mongkol Techakumphu | 1996 - 2000 |
7 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wichai Tantasuparuk | 2006 - 2010 |
8 | Prof. Dr. Padet Tummaruk | 2010 - 2018 |
9 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Suppawiwat Ponglowhapan | 2018 - Present |

Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Sudson Sirivaidyapong
Associate Professor A-3

Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Morakot Nuntapaitoon
Associate Professor A-3

Asst. Prof. Dr.
Siriwat Suadsong
Associate Professor

Asst. Prof. Dr.
Theerawat Swangchan-Uthai
Assistant Dean and Director of Animal
Hospital-Student Training Center,
Nakhon Pathom

Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Nutthee Am-in
Assistant Professor A-4

Instructor Dr.Nawapen Phutikanit
Instructor Dr.
Nawapen Phutikanit
Instructor Dr.

Instruetor Dr. Natchanon Dumniem

Miss. Junpen Suwimonteerabutr

Mr. Ekkaphot Sangkrachang

Mr. Jinda Singlor

Miss. Wattara Chuaykue
Wattara Chuaykue
Educational Service and Student Affairs Officer P7

Miss. Ubon Sintachat

Mrs. Pornpimol Siributphan

Mr. Nawee Kamonlwisetkul
Nawee Kamonlwisetkul
Animal husbandry officer P9

Mr. Saknarin Sukroekdee

Miss.Chutiporn Utsrakhoo
Open Courses
1. Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Sciencer Program (Courses in specific : Theriogenology)
Course Structure
Total of credits throughout the courses 24 Credits
Co-requisite courses 9 Credits
Required courses in specific fields 5 Credits
Elective courses 10 Credits
Co-requisite Courses
Code Subject Credits
3100701 Seminar in Veterinary Clinical Science I 2 (2-0-6)
3100702 Seminar in Veterinary Clinical Science II 2 (2-0-6)
3100703 General Clinical Practice I 2 (0-6-2)
3100704 General Clinical Practice II 3 (0-9-3)
Required courses in specific : Theriogenology
Code Subject Credits
3108703 Laboratory Procedures in Theriogenology 1 (1-0-3)
3108705 Reproductive Patterns and Infertility in Dog and Cat 2 (2-0-6)
3108710 Special Problems in Theriogenology 2 (1-3-4)
3108713 Animal Infertility Clinic 4 (0-12-4)
3108719 Independent Study in Theriogenology 2 (0-0-8)
3108720 Reproductive Surgery Clinic I 4 (0-12-4)
3108721 Reproductive Surgery Clinic II 4 (0-12-4)
2. Higher Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Sciences Program (Theriogenology)
Course Structure
Co-requisite courses 10 Credits
Elective courses 38 Credits
Co-requisite Courses
Code Subject Credits
3100703 General Clinical Practice I 2 (0-6-2)
3100704 General Clinical Practice II 3 (0-9-2)
3100719 Applied Veterinary Sciences 2 (2-0-6)
3100720 Clinical Research Methodology 2 (2-0-6)
3100721 Correlated Clinical Sciences 2 (2-0-6)
Required courses in specific : Theriogenology
Code Subject Credits
3108701 Advanced Veterinary Obstetrics 2 (2-0-6)
3108704 Seminar in Theriogenology 2 (1-3-4)
3108705 Reproductive Patterns and Infertility in Dog and Cat 2 (2-0-6)
3108710 Special Problems in Animal Theriogenology 2 (1-3-4)
3108714 Advanced Animal Reproductive Biotechnology 3 (3-0-9)
3108717 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic 2 (1-6-1)
3108718 Fertility Clinic 3 (1-6-5)
3108720 Reproductive Surgery Clinic 1 4 (0-12-4)
3108721 Reproductive Surgery Clinic 2 4 (0-12-4)
3108722 Diseases of the reproductive system in pets 3 (3-0-9)
3108725 Reproduction and infertility in male pets 2 (2-0-6)
3108726 Reproduction and infertility in female pets 2 (2-0-6)
3108727 Patterns and management of reproduction in dogs and cats 2 (2-0-6)
3108728 Patterns and management of reproduction in livestock 2 (2-0-6)
3108729 Clinic for Infertility in Companion Animals 2 (0-6-2)
3108731 Reproductive surgery in companion animals I 3 (0-9-3)
3108732 Reproductive surgery in companion animals II 3 (0-9-3)
3. Master of Science Program in Theriogenology
Course Structure
Plan A. Plan A.
Type A1. Type A2.
Total number of credits 36 36 Credits
throughout the courses
Number of course credits - 18 Cradits
- Compulsory Courses - 9 Cradits
- Elective Courses - 9 Cradits
Number of thesis credits 36 18 Cradits
Compulsory Courses
Code Subject Cradits
3108701 Advan Veterinary Obstetrics 2 (2-0-6)
3108722 Reproductive Diseases in Domestic Animals 3(3-0-9)
3108725 Reproduction and Infertility in Male Domestic Animals 2 (1-3-4)
3108726 Reproduction and Infertility Female Domestic Animals 2 (2-0-6)
Elective Courses
Code Subject Credits
3100700 Research Methodology in Veterinary Science 2 (2-0-6)
3103704 Molecular and Cytogentics in Animal Breeding 2 (3-0-9)
3103714 Biostatistics for Animal Ssience 2 (1-3-4)
3105700 Applied Molecular Biology 3(3-0-9)
3106700 Modem Concepts of Surgery 2(1-3-4)
3106701 Comparative Anesthesiology 3(2-3-7)
3108703 Laboratory Procedures in Theriogenology 1(1-0-3)
3108704 Seminar in Theriogenology 2(1-3-4)
3108710 Special Problems in Animal Theriogenology 2 (1-3-4)
3108714 Advanced Animal Reproductive Biotechnology 3 (3-0-9)
3108723 Clinical Prcedures in Animal Reprodution 2 (1-3-4)
3108724 Herd Health Management in Farm Animals 3 (3-0-9)
3108727 Reproductive Pattern and Breeding Management in Dogs and cats 2 (2-0-6)
3108728 Reprodutive Pattern and Breeding Management in Farm Animals 2 (2-0-6)
3108729 Companion Animals Infertility Clinic 2 (0-6-2)
3108730 Farm Animals Infertility Clinic 2(0-6-2)
3108731 Reproductive surgery in companion animals I 3 (0-12-0)
3108732 Reproductive surgery in companion animals II 3 (0-12-0)
Plan A. Type A1.
Code Subject Cradits
3108816 thesis 36
Plan A. Type A2.
Code Subject Cradits
3108813 thesis 18
4. Doctor of Science Program in Theriogenology
Course Stucture
Model 1.1 Model 1.2 Model 2.1 Model 2.2
Total of credits throughout the courses 48 72 48 72 Cradits
Number of course credits - - 12 24 Cradits
- Compulsory Courses - - 2 11 Cradits
- Elective Courses - - 10 13 Cradits
Number of thesis credits 48 72 36 48 Cradits
Compulsory Courses
Model 2.1 (2 Cradits) - Model 2.2 (11 Credits)
Code Subject Cradits
3108723 Clinical practice in animal breeding science 2 (1-3-4)
3108701 Veterinary research methods 2 (2-0-6)
3108714 Biostatistics in animal science 2 (1-3-4)
3108704 Seminar on Animal Reproduction 2 (1-3-4)
3108722 Diseases of the reproductive system in pets 3 (3-0-9)
Elective Courses
Model 2.1 (10 Cradits) - Model 2.2 (13 Cradits)
Code Subject Cradits
3108704 Seminar on Animal Reproduction 2 (1-3-4)
3108722 Diseases of the reproductive system in pets 3 (3-0-9)
3103704 Molecular and cytogenetics in animal breeding 3 (3-0-9)
3105700 Applied Molecular Biology 3 (3-0-9)
3106700 New concepts in surgery 2 (1-3-4)
3106701 Comparative Anesthesiology 3 (2-3-7)
3108701 Advanced Veterinary Obstetrics 2 (2-0-6)
3108703 Methods of animal reproductive science 1 (1-0-3)
3108710 Special problems in animal reproductive science 2 (1-3-4)
3108714 Advanced biotechnology in animal reproduction 3 (3-0-9)
3108724 Health management in livestock farms 3 (3-0-9)
3108725 Reproduction and Infertility in Male Pets 2 (2-0-6)
3108726 Reproduction and Infertility in Female Pets 2 (2-0-6)
3108727 Patterns and management of reproduction in dogs and cats 2 (2-0-6)
3108728 Patterns and management of reproduction in livestock 2 (2-0-6)
3108729 Clinic for Inbreeding Imperfections in Companion Animals 2 (0-6-2)
3108730 Livestock Infertility Clinic 2 (0-6-2)
3108731 Reproductive surgery in companion animals I 3 (0-12-0)
3108732 Reproductive surgery in companion animals II 3 (0-12-0)
Code Model Subject Cradits
3108828 1.1 thesis 48 Cradits
3108830 1.2 thesis 72 Cradits
3108826 2.1 thesis 36 Cradits
3108828 2.2 thesis 48 Cradits
Smal annimal research
Large animal research
Service Work
Service Work
News and Activities
Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University Henry-Dunant Road, Prathuwan, Prathumwan,Bangkok 10330
Contact Staff
Wattara Chuaykue
Ubon Sintachat