About US


Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University (VMCU) was established since 21 June, 1996. VMCU vision is the leader of teaching, research and innovation, in the field of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology. Up to date, VMCU has more than 60 members including lecturers, staffs, graduate students, and post doctoral fellows. For teaching, VMCU has responsible for more than 5 subjects in undergraduate CU VET curriculum and more than 10 subjects in graduate curriculum. VMCU staffs are also the leaders in many researches and innovations including fish infectious diseases and vaccine, swine infectious diseases and vaccine, poultry viral diseases, pet animal infectious diseases and immunology, pathogens characterization, probiotics, and etc.


ลำดับที่ รายชื่อ ระหว่างปี พ.ศ.










Associate Professor Dr.
Pattrarat Chanchaithong

Associate Professor Dr.
Pattrarat Chanchaithong

Associate Professor Dr.

Email : pattrarat.c@chula.ac.th

Phone Number : 022189553







Prof. Dr.
Sanipa Suradhat

Professor Dr.
Sanipa Suradhat

Professor Dr.

Email : sanipa.s@chula.ac.th

Phone Number : 022189779







Nuvee Prapasarakul

Associate Dean for Research,
Innovation and Corporate

Associate Professor Dr.
Nuvee Prapasarakul

Associate Professor Dr.

Email : pnuvee@chula.ac.th

Phone Number : 022189783







Associate Professor Dr.
Channarong Rodkhum

Associate Professor Dr.
Channarong Rodkhum

Associate Professor Dr.

Email : channaron.r@chula.ac.th

Phone Number : 022189582







Associate Professor Dr.
Aunyaratana Thontiravong

Associate Professor Dr.
Aunyaratana Thontiravong

Associate Professor Dr.

Email : Aunyaratana.T@chula.ac.th

Phone Number : 022189655








Assistant Professor Dr.
Dachrit Nilubol

Assistant Professor Dr.
Dachrit Nilubol

Assistant Professor Dr.

Email : dachrit@gmail.com

Phone Number : 022189584







Asst. Prof. Dr.
Navapon Techakriengkrai
Assistant Dean for International Affairs

Asst. Prof. Dr.
Navapon Techakriengkrai

Asst. Prof. Dr.

Email : navapont@gmail.com

Phone Number : 022189551







Instructor Dr.
Teerawut Nedumpun

Instructor Dr.
Teerawut Nedumpun

Instructor Dr.

Email : teerawut.n@chula.ac.th

Phone Number : 022189560

Open Courses

1. Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy Program in Veterinary Pathobiology
    Microbiology program and Virology program
        1.1 Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy Program in Veterinary Science and Technology
              (International Program) Microbiology Program and Virology Program
        1.2 Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Program
        1.3 Interdisciplinary course in medical microbiology Graduate School Chulalongkorn University
              Co-teach with
                 - Department of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine
                 - Department of Microbiology Faculty of Pharmacy
                 - Department of Microbiology Faculty of Dentistry
                 - Department of Microbiology Faculty of Science

Service Work Veterinary Microbiology

The department  provides various academic services. and is a laboratory with international standards Can be used as an academic reference, including educating farmers who raise various animals, including poultry, pigs, cattle, buffalo, and aquatic animals, about disease prevention. Finding the cause of the disease Including the use of various types of vaccines. This will greatly benefit animal farmers. Being an academic resource for studying the causes of infectious diseases. Prevent epidemics by using various types of vaccines. Quality of vaccines used in Thailand And there are training seminars and participating as speakers in training seminars in the field of microbiology. to officials in various departments who are continuously interested in microbiology, including animal farmers.

News and Activities


12 Floor, 60th Anniversary Building, Henri-Dunant Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.


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